Permission to Bloom
Take risks
Eat pizza for breakfast( for all those who know about my air diet! Its okay to live on the edge once in awhile)
Embracing the gray hairs.. It’s okay to let them show
Your home doesn’t always have to prefect
It’s okay for the kids to take late showers on the weekends
Saying No
Think Bigger
Sleep more
Stop spending time with people who deplete you. Save that energy for your family and yourself
You don’t have to be strong all the time.
Sorry I can’t make.
Release yourself from social media pressure
Toss the wig once in awhile -Wear your natural hair more.(use edge naturale to keep your edges in tact)
Don’t sweat the small stuff
Being Present
Put down your phone
Less texting more conversations
Its ok not to be ok
More day trips
More laughs
Read more books
Being content
Bonus: Pray and meditate